Price certainty is crucial in an uncertain environment

Price Risk Management

Precious metals markets are volatile and difficult to predict. Strong price fluctuations are a challenge for every company where precious metals are part of the value chain: they influence margin, capital commitment and competitiveness - in short, your business success! The professional handling of volatility is therefore crucial. Creating the right conditions for this requires experience, know-how and time. That's why it pays to work with experts. There are ways of using a variety of instruments to improve your position and cushion undesirable market effects with planning certainty.

Price Risk Management

Guaranteed Price Stability and Planning Security

We offer you a price hedging model tailored to your specific needs, for each precious metal. Whether for gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, or iridium – our experts will identify the right hedging solution for your business across various transaction types (e.g., cash transaction, swap, or limit order). When you order products containing precious metals from Heraeus, the production costs can be completely fixed along with the product units. We can offer you full flexibility when you order your precious metal quantities within a defined period of time. Using these instruments, which have won accolades from our customers, we develop a fixed calculation basis for your products. This is particularly important when your customers also want stable and reliable prices.

We help you gain greater planning security while minimizing your price risks. We have a price hedging model that is right for you. Please contact us!

All Services From a Single Source – Expertise Throughout the Precious Metals Cycle

If you are using our hedging and financing instruments, you are already familiar with some of the advantages of our services. But we can do even more for you.

Our expertise extends throughout the precious metals cycle: In addition to price hedging and financing, we also take care of physically procuring all precious metals, from gold and silver through platinum and palladium to rhodium, ruthenium, and iridium. Furthermore, we offer you a broad portfolio of precious metals products, professional management of your precious metals assets via weight accounts, and finally, recycling and refining of precious metals from a wide variety of starting materials, including logistics and waste management. We have expertise along the entire chain.

We are nearby, no matter where in the world you are, to ensure that everything functions smoothly: With a total of ten locations in Europe, China, India, the US, and South Africa, we have a presence in all of the major industrial regions and time zones.

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Get in Touch With Us

Marc LöffertManager Precious Metals Concepts
Marc Löffert